Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Self-disclosure ...

Empty inside
I can't feel my heart
I can't feel my soul
My emotions are so trapped inside
Wanting to explode

My smiles are so calculated
There is a fear in me that you'll discover
How meaningful your presence is to me
How you help me overcome my paranoia
Of things, of life, of who I am

I'm alright really
It's just that I don't want to disclose myself again
To be turned down or receive a cold shoulder
To be seen teary-eyed, pleading; to be found wanting, lacking
In loving and giving too much, I lost myself

On my own, I have to regain my self
More than anything else, I have to smile an honest smile
Open my self to you and find ME again
So that I'd not shiver in one dark corner anymore
May I then say thank you?

You have no idea how practically I crawl out of my bed
To bathe, wear something decent and go to work
I survive because I see you everyday
Together with the Almighty's presence
Yes, I survive

Someday you'll know
How grateful I am to you
For saving me
My heart
My soul


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